Volunteers - Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Find the latest grassroots volunteering opportunities in Suffolk here.

If you would like to advertise any grassroots volunteering opportunities, please contact Nick Garnham via the details listed alongside.





Whitton United are in need of some help and volunteers to maintain the club’s facilities.

They are looking for people who are interested in the following roles/opportunities at the club.


  • Matchday support
  • General Maintenance/Caretaker
  • Grounds Person


If you are interested in any of these roles or know someone who is, please contact the following for more details – Lucky on 07917 165126 or Paul 07799 592270.




Kirton Athletic FC urgently require a Secretary.

They are a progressive grassroots club, in Divisions One, Four and Five of the Macron SIL leagues.

Hours will be minimal, but is an integral part to the club running.

You will be warmly welcomed and supported for your transition into the role.

Experience is preferred, but not essential.

Please contact the club chairman via email kirtonathletic@gmail.com




Beccles Town FC are looking to appoint a Senior Section Secretary.

This role will require looking after the main Senior teams, and registration of players.

Training will be provided, and you will have the support of the executive committee and senior committee members, plus being part of not only the executive team but the senior section committee at Beccles Town FC.

To register your interest please contact Matt Humby, Chair of Beccles Town FC, via email: matthew.humby@btinternet.com

The closing date for applications is June 14th 2024.




Holbrook Hornets FC require a club secretary.

Ideally they will have some previous experience, but commitment, resilience and easy access to online systems are needed.

Holbrook Hornets are a lovely friendly community-club, operating from U5s to U17s, and were Highly Commended in the Suffolk FA ‘2020 Grassroots Club of the Year’ awards, with an Ethos of ‘Football For All’ and inclusivity. 

The club train on Thursday evenings in Holbrook, IP9 2QX (10-15mins drive from Ipswich town centre). 

Committee meetings are held once/month, on a weekday evening, in Holbrook or via Zoom.

For more info, please email: Info@holbrookhornets.co.uk




Great Blakenham Chequers FC are looking for new volunteers.

The club are now in their tenth season and has gone from strength-to-strength and seen fantastic growth on and off the field.

They now need new volunteers to help continue the growth and development on and off the pitch.

The club have one senior team and ranges at Youth level from age 4-11 years of age.

Roles the club would like to fill are as follows:

Committee members – attending committee meetings once a month

Kids' Club Youth coach – 2 hours a week running a session on a Saturday morning 9am-10am and session planning

Club Secretary  communication link between all teams and leagues and Suffolk FA. Attending committee meeting once a month

If you would like to get involved in a growing and developing football club please contact Mark Mcardle on 07940 205640 or via email Gbcfcsecretary@gmail.com




Needham Market Women FC are looking for ambitious and committed individuals to join their provision at Bloomfields on a voluntary basis to work alongside the First and Development team. 

  • Goalkeeper Coach
  • Outfield Coach
  • Social Media Assistant 

These roles are on a voluntary basis and if they are of interest please email: nmfcwomen@gmail.com




Framlingham Town FC are restructuring their back-room setup for the 2022-23 season with a variety of opportunities to assist in the club’s progression.

Having reached the Thurlow Nunn League Division One North Play-Offs in the 2021-22 season, the club have some exciting development plans and are seeking willing volunteers to come on board to help in the following areas:


Groundsmen – to assist with enhancing the pitch/general ground maintenance. 


Match Day volunteers – to assist with hosting home games, from volunteering on the turnstile to helping with arriving visitors, cooking hot food, helping with bar duties – all help welcome.


Treasurer/Bookkeeper – to work alongside our committee and assist with all the financial processes.


Ground maintenance volunteers – to enhance & maintain the facilities at Badingham Road.


Coaching opportunities – available in the junior and senior sections for the right candidates.


Committee Members – the club are looking to add pro-active volunteers to their committee to help the club develop and progress.


Social media manager – to oversee the club’s Twitter and Facebook pages and update their website.


Physio – To assist on training evenings (1-2 hours) and on match days for the first XI (expenses covered)


The club would welcome interest in any of the roles outlined, please feel free to contact them on 07969 734821 to discuss any of these opportunities further or register your interest via email to: dwpropservices@btinternet.com



Get in Touch

Nick Garnham - Suffolk FA Marketing & Communications Officer

01449 616606 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) / 07508 838181

Email: nick.garnham@suffolkfa.com

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