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Holiday opening hours confirmed

SUFFOLK FA have confirmed their opening hours over the Christmas and New Year period.

SUFFOLK FA have confirmed their opening hours over the Christmas and New Year period.

The office will close at 3pm on Friday, December 22nd.

Phil Barber will be available 9am-11am on both Saturday, December 23rd and 30th via 07432 735987 to process any red card appeals, and deal with any transfers/registrations and other game-day issues.

Staff will be working remotely on Tuesday, January 2nd, with the office in Stowmarket re-opening at 9am on Wednesday, January 3rd.

Otherwise, no members of staff will be available on the following days:


Saturday, December 23rd – 9am-11am Phil Barber available remotely on 07432 735987

Sunday, December 24th (Christmas Eve)

Monday, December 25th (Christmas Day)

Tuesday, December 26th (Boxing Day)

Wednesday, December 27th – Closed

Thursday, December 28th – Closed

Friday, December 29th – Closed

Saturday, December 30th – 9am-11am Phil Barber available remotely on 07432 735987

Sunday, December 31st – Closed

Monday, January 1st (Bank Holiday) – Closed


Barnards Meadow Football Centre in Lowestoft, which is run by Suffolk FA, will be closed from December 23rd and will re-open on January 2nd 2024. Contact barnards@suffolkfa.com for any further information.


Chief Executive Richard Neal will be available for safeguarding and emergency matters throughout the festive period on 07903 842747.

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