Safeguarding webinars Feb 2021

Webinars organised for safeguarding

SUFFOLK FA have organised a series of safeguarding webinars.

SUFFOLK FA have organised a series of safeguarding webinars to support and develop safeguarding within club and league committees.

While it is hoped these will be attended by League and Club Welfare Officers to assist in their personal development, the content will be useful for other committee members too.

Suffolk FA Designated Safeguarding Officer Darryn Marsh said: “I want to stress this is open to all and is suitable for chairs, CWO’s, secretaries and anyone else who holds a role within a club or league committee as safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility!

“The sessions have been designed around feedback from clubs and members as to how they wish to be supported and grow their safeguarding knowledge further both in open age and youth football.”

The sessions are as follows:

Tuesday, February 23rd – Safeguarding in the Digital World

An introduction to safeguarding online highlighting growing trends and keeping young people safe online.


Monday, March 2nd – Safe Recruitment & DBS Within Whole Game System

Guidance and advice on the safe recruitment of volunteers including recruitment procedures and gaining criminal records checks (DBS). During this session, clubs will be shown the new DBS process via Whole Game System.


Wednesday, March 10th  – Managing Challenging Behaviours

Support for clubs for the management of challenging behaviours within the club whether they be a player, manager, parent or volunteer. This session will include advice on structures in place to support clubs and its members when challenging behaviour is identified.


Tuesday, March 16th – Listening to Young People

Young People have a key part to play in the future of the sport as volunteers as well as active players or officials! During this session, clubs will be given advice on giving young people in their club a platform to have their voice heard and be integral to decisions made about their club.


Monday, March 22nd – Handling Poor Practice & Complaints

Support for clubs and committee members regarding the management of poor practice and complaints. During this session, we will look at how to manage, review, support and action plan cases of poor practice.


Wednesday, March 31st – Safeguarding in Adult/Open Age Football

A key session for any adult club with 16/17 years old playing in open aged football. During this session, we will discuss the requirements and expectations of clubs to support safeguarding of young players in an adult club.


How to Book?

Please complete the form here to book your space on one, selected, or all of our online safeguarding webinars. The meeting link and joining instructions will be issued at least 24 hours before the start time of each session.

If you have any questions, please contact Darryn Marsh via email or

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