Leagues are inviting new applications
LEAGUES in Suffolk are inviting application from new clubs ahead of the 2020-21 season.
Below is a list of leagues affiliated to Suffolk FA that your club or team may be interested in joining.
A description is given of each league plus who to contact and when by.
Accompanying documents can be found at the foot of the page.
Suffolk & Ipswich League
What is it? The SIL is a Saturday afternoon adult male’s league whose Senior Division forms Step 7 of the National League System.
Who do we apply to? Mary Ablett, General Secretary, on 07969 021222 or email maryablett@gmail.com
When is the deadline for applications? Friday, May 1st
When is the league’s AGM? Thursday, June 25th
Supporting documentation? Please complete the SIL Application Form below
Lowestoft & District League
What is it? The Lowestoft & District League is a Saturday afternoon adult male’s league.
Who do we apply to? David Beecher, Secretary, on 07873 103389 or email david.beecher@btinternet.com
When is the deadline for applications? Sunday, May 31st
When is the league’s AGM? To be confirmed
Supporting documentation? Please complete the ‘Intention to Compete’ form below
Bury & District Sunday League
What is it? The Bury & District Sunday League is a Sunday morning adult male’s league
Who do we apply to? Mark Oliver, General Secretary, on 07708 123648 or email toottheshoot@btopenworld.com
When is the deadline for applications? April 30th
When is the league’s AGM? To be confirmed
Supporting documentation? Please complete the Application Form, Club Officers Details and Club Detail documents below
Ipswich Sunday Football League
What is it? The Ipswich Sunday League is a Sunday morning adult male’s league
Who do we apply to? info@isfl.co.uk
When is the deadline for applications? To be confirmed
When is the league’s AGM? To be confirmed
Supporting documentation? None
Sudbury, Haverhill & District League
What is it? The Sudbury, Haverhill & District League is a Sunday morning adult male’s league
Who do we apply to? Jim Hill, Secretary, on 07940 297653 or via email jimhill875@gmail.com
When is the deadline for applications? Friday, July 31st
When is the league’s AGM? Wednesday, June 24th
Supporting documentation? NoneNorfolk & Suffolk Veterans’ League
What is it? The Norfolk & Suffolk Veterans’ League is a Sunday afternoon adult male’s league for over-35s
Who do we apply to? Phil Ramsay, Secretary, on 07717 180009 or via email secretary@nsvfl.co.uk
When is the deadline for applications? Sunday, May 31st
When is the league’s AGM? Friday, June 19th
Supporting documentation? Please read the New Clubs Letter and complete the Application Form below
Monday Night / Friday Night Football
What is it? These are adult male’s 11v11 leagues run by Suffolk FA. Matches are on Monday’s at Ipswich Academy and on Friday’s at Skyliner in Bury St Edmunds. It is hoped to start a MNF league (7v7 or 9v9 format) in Beccles
Who do we apply to? Darren Scoulding on 07432 735984 or via email darren.scoulding@suffolkfa.com
When is the deadline for applications? Dependent on lifting of current restrictions
When is the league’s AGM? Not applicable
Supporting documentation? NoneSuffolk Youth Football League
What is it? The SYFL is a Saturday morning mixed Youth league.
Who do we apply to? Tony King, Chairman, via email syfl16@hotmail.com [RN1]
When is the deadline for applications? Sunday, May 31st
When is the league’s AGM? June 25th
Supporting documentation? Please complete the Team Registration Form below
Suffolk WAYS League
What is it? The WAYS League is a Saturday morning mixed Youth league, which places development at the heart of competition.
Who do we apply to? Jodie Allard, Chairperson, via email ways@suffolkfa.com
When is the deadline for applications? September 1st but applications taken during the season
When is the league’s AGM? TBC
Supporting documentation? NoneIpswich & Suffolk Youth League
What is it? The ISYFL is a Sunday morning mixed Youth league
Who do we apply to? Allan Girot, General Secretary, on 01394 272683 or via email allan.girot@outlook.com
When is the deadline for applications? To be confirmed
When is the league’s AGM? To be confirmed
Supporting documentation? None
Suffolk Girls’ & Women’s Football League
What is it? The SGWFL is a Sunday female-only league for Youth’s and Adults.
Who do we apply to? Allan Girot, General Secretary, on 01394 272683 or via email allan.girot@outlook.com
When is the deadline for applications? To be confirmed
When is the league’s AGM? To be confirmed
Supporting documentation? None