Kick It Out 'Wall of Football' August 2018

Clubs encouraged to build football wall

SUFFOLK clubs are being encouraged to play their part in building a ‘Wall of Football’.

SUFFOLK clubs are being encouraged to play their part in building a ‘Wall of Football’ later this month.

Kick It Out will be hosting an event at Plexal, Stratford on Thursday, August 23rd, to kick off a year of recognising 25 years of campaigning for equality in football.

They would love for as many clubs as possible to be represented, as they showcase the breadth of their involvement with the national game from the elite level of the Premier League all the way through to the diverse Grassroots community.

As such, they will be building a ‘Wall of Football’ which every club, no matter the size, will be invited to contribute to. This contribution will take the form of a single piece of club memorabilia or merchandise to sit alongside every other club, highlighting the sheer scope of football across the country.

If you would like to see your club proudly represented at this event, please send Kick It Out a trinket that can be built into the wall – be it a shirt, tie, signpost, banner, mascot or something completely out of the ordinary!

They would be happy to return these items after the event if they are of particular significance or value, but they would also gratefully accept donations that they can keep and use in future activities.

If you would like to submit an item, please email Kick It Out’s Media and Communications Manager Mark Sandell via, or simply post an item to: Mark Sandell, Kick It Out, First Floor, Whittington House, 19-30 Alfred Place, London WC1E 7EA.

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